Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Olympics 2012

In honor of the 2012 Summer Olympics, here are two new paintings.  Go USA!

Joyful Motion- in honor of Gabby Douglas and the USA Women's Gymnastics Team 16x20 on canvas

Volleyball Star- 8x10 for Brianna.  While the background is similar to the above picture, I experiemented a little with painting with  with a palette knife.  I only used the brush for the silhouette.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mother and Child

I have always been intimidated by drawing or painting people...I still am actually.  So this week, I wanted to challenge myself.  Since my babies are pretty much all consuming in life right now, what could be more fitting than a mother and child painting.  I am pretty happy with how my first attempt turned out.  I may not be gallery ready but I am enjoying learning and challenging myself.

Mother and Child 8x10 acrylic on canvas

Week Three: A little Experimentation with trees

Just in case the fact that I randomly decided to take on painting wasn't enough, I decided I would try a variety of styles to play with.  I often use Pinterest as a place for my inspiration or just search Google images for ideas...and then Pin them :) 

I saw something similar to this and decided to try my own take on it.  I still haven't decided what I think about it and would love feedback.

Newfangled Tree  Acrylic on 16x20 canvas

My 13 yr old daughter decided to join me in painting and I would post hers here, but I don't have her permission to do so.  However, we both were trying something new.  She was doing a painting that involved the color shading I have used in previous painting posted on this blog and I was trying to do the above painting.  As she was getting frustrated early on, I kept telling her don't be discouraged, keep working on it and the final piece will be awesome.  For the record, her's is and is totally post-worthy if she would let me.  Then I started making some similar comments like "I'm not sure I like it" or "I don't think I am good at this style" etc.  She called me on it and told me to keep working.  When I added the tree trunk, it definitely pulled the piece together.  When I briefly thumbed through a book on acrylic painting while at a craft store last week, it referred to the "awkward stage."  I have definitely seen this in my work.  Just as we all had to work through the awkward stages of growth, so will each of my paintings. 

The second painting I did this week was a painting for my 13 yr old daughter.  She asked me to paint her something for her locker.  She loves cherry blossoms so I decided to do something with that.

"Blossoms for Brianna"  Acrylic on 8x10 canvas

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 2: Atonement for the Whole World

For my second painting, I decided to try to bring a sketch I had drawn in college in 2001 to life with color.  I wasn't sure how it would turn out but it was worth a try.

Here is the origin Sketch from 2001

On Thursday July 19th, I started work on the painting and on the afternoon of the 20th I completed it.  The scripture on which it was originally based was even more poignant in wake of the terrible theater shooting in Aurora early that morning.  As I worked to complete the painting, the verse kept echoing in my heart. 1 John 2:2 "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world."

Acrylic on 16x20 canvas July 2012

As I thought about the horrific acts of the man who chose to bring a violent attack on innocent movie-goers and the outrage that many, including myself felt, I couldn't help but be challenged by the words inspiring my painting.  God did not only send His Son to die for the "innocent"; He died for all of us, all of our transgressions, including James Holmes' terrible actions that day.  Just as we all need Jesus, so does this man and I pray that he finds the one who can heal his broken soul.

In the Beginning

A few weeks ago, I got out some paints and decided to try my hand at painting.  To be fair, I had played around with painting a few other times in my life.  I took a Bob Ross style painting class at a Michaels store when I was in college and painted two paintings since then.  It had been 2.5 years since I picked up a paint brush though and I felt inspired.  I blame Pinterest honestly.  I have noticed a spike in my creativity since pinning a variety of DIY projects and crafts.  I saw an artists work online that inspired me and decided to try my hand at painting.

Below is the result of this creative burst.  I call it "My Family Tree."  My two year old loves to point to the different birds on the branches and say who they represent, one bird for each family member. 

"My Family Tree" 4 11x14 canvases, Acrylic

I stood in awe at what I had created.  My 13 year old daughter couldn't believe I myself painted it when I texted her a picture of it.  My friends on Facebook flattered me with compliments.  But mostly, my soul was happy.  I really enjoyed creating something beautiful.  I always knew I liked artsy things but hadn't made space for it in my life for a long time.  There is something so natural about creating art, we love it as children and yet somehow as we grown older we stop.  I am going to try my best to continue to paint regularly and try my hand at new techniques.  They may not always come out as beautifully as my first painting (really how could they?)  I have been painting for a few weeks now and really enjoy it.  My two year old paints at the same time and we talk about colors and shapes and make it a learning experience (and try to avoid consuming too much paint ;)

 This blog will be a place to chronicle my adventures in art- the sometimes surprising journey to creating beautiful....and sometimes not so beautiful things....